
Short Communication

Parallelism of the Evolution of Social Insects and Humans: A Hypothesis

AV Makrushin*

Published: 26 August, 2024 | Volume 8 - Issue 1 | Pages: 038-040

Social insects have eradicated the instincts inherited from their solitary ancestors that were harmful to communities. The elimination of these instincts was accomplished by natural selection, the units of which were communities. Man has not yet eradicated the instincts inherited from their solitary animal ancestors that were harmful to communities. But their eradication is underway. And it is also being accomplished by natural selection, the units of which are societies. Completion of evolution in this direction will probably lead to the disappearance of human instincts harmful to society, as they have disappeared in social insects. This will happen after a period of time measured not by historical standards, but by geological.

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Egoism; Altruism; Interdisciplinary Approach; Biosociology


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