

Loneliness and Culture: A Commentary

Ami Rokach*

Published: 01 May, 2024 | Volume 8 - Issue 1 | Pages: 029-031

Loneliness is thean experience that is intertwined inwith being human, but since it is so painful and troubling, all of us try to avoid it. It has short- and long-term negative consequences, including its influence on our life satisfaction, health, and mortality. Various causal factors were explored regarding loneliness, which is essentially a subjective experience. This commentary aims to highlight the contribution of culture, be it collectivistic or individualistic, to the development of loneliness. Since loneliness is correlated with the expectation of being with others and part of a community, research found that people in collectivistic cultures are lonelier than those in individualistic ones. Ethnicity also contributes to the development, and was thus reviewed. While it beingis an essential part of being human, loneliness can, indeed, be attenuated and its pain lessened, and culture may predict ways of doing so.

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Loneliness; Men; Women; Ethnicity; Culture; Collectivistic; Individualistic


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