
Research Article

Mapping the Psychosocial: Introducing a Standardised System to Improve Psychosocial Understanding within Mental Health

Matthew Bretton Oakes*

Published: 09 February, 2024 | Volume 8 - Issue 1 | Pages: 012-019

Objective: Psychosocial approaches are increasingly being advocated as an efficacious means of addressing mental health problems. However, with a multitude of complex and varying interpretations present with the use of the term ‘psychosocial’ / ‘psycho-social’ in contemporary discussions of mental health, its application can be vague and even contradictory. This presents problems for research to inform practice and practice to inform research, ultimately inhibiting the help given to those suffering. 
Method: Literary review, reflecting an extended period of 10 years, explores and analyses the use of the terms ‘psychosocial’ and ‘psycho-social’ within a mental health context. 
Results: This article identifies that applications and use of the term psychosocial vary significantly, with two models being primarily evident in mental health applications: a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary model. 
Conclusion: A standardised system is established for mental health theorists and practitioners to identify and categorise these different applications. This outcome is intended to lead to a better understanding of different psychosocial applications, provide better communication between existing psychosocial applications, and improve clarity for future instruction.

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Psychosocial; Psycho-social; Multidisciplinary; Interdisciplinary; Mental health


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