
Research Article

Organizational and methodological aspects of the work of a psychiatrist on a qualification category. Current status and prospects of psychiatric care in Russia

Shapovalova LA and Shapovalov KA*

Published: 16 February, 2022 | Volume 6 - Issue 1 | Pages: 001-012

Introduction: Preparing a report and passing certification for a qualification category is one of the forms of improving the professional level of each medical worker.
Material and methods: The analysis of 5 qualification works of a psychiatrist (1997, 2002, 2008, 2013, and 2018) was carried out for the mandatory requirements for the preparation of documents when they were submitted to the Attestation Commission on the assignment of a qualifying medical category in psychiatry and formation methodological approaches to their implementation. The depth of research was 27 years.
Results: Methodological approaches to the design of 11 mandatory sections provided for in the certification work of a psychiatrist presented for the award of a qualification category were considered.
Discussion: The attitude to the Administrative Regulations for the provision of state services for the assignment of a qualification category to specialists engaged in medical and pharmaceutical activities should be revised in terms of its synchronization with the official duties of a doctor.
Conclusion: The dynamic development of the regulatory, organizational, methodological, and scientific aspects of medicine and psychiatry, in particular, in the period of active digitalization of healthcare, requires periodic corporate discussion and correction of the Administrative Regulations for the provision of public services for assigning a qualification category to specialists engaged in medical and pharmaceutical activities.
Attention should be paid to the insufficient statistical processing of the submitted materials by applicants for the assignment of the 1st and highest categories, the lack of calculations, references, and comparisons of confidence intervals, and the reliability of the study.
Preparing a report and passing certification for a qualification category can be the first step in introducing a practitioner to scientific work through the generalization of personal work experience, worthy of speaking at a scientific and practical conference at the level of LU and the region and publishing abstracts in collections and scientific and practical journals.
The proposed methodological approaches are purely advisory in nature and can be used by psychiatrists when working on a qualification category at their discretion.

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Methodological approaches; Certification work; Qualification category; Psychiatrist


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